ベトナムで完治の5人が再び陽性(Five people who are completely cured in Vietnam are positive again)

Vietnam-night News


5 out of 225 cured in Vietnam re-positive


Việt Nam tổng cộng 5 ca dương tính lại sau khi âm tính
TTO - Các bệnh nhân: 188, 52, 149, 137 và 36 được phát hiện tái dương tính sau khi ra viện. Các nước khác cũng ghi nhận bệnh nhân dương tính lại và Tổ chức Y tế...

There were 270 infected people in Vietnam (as of April 25, 2020), of which 225 were reported to have been completely cured, but 5 were again positive.

  • 2回の検査で陰性だったが、家での隔離中の再検査で陽性だった。入院し、4/18の検査は陰性だったが、4/20,21の検査では陽性だった。
  • 3回連続で陰性だった2人が4/21に再検査すると再び陽性だった。
  • 隔離中に3回検査を受け陰性だったので、自宅の隔離に移行したのに検査で再び陽性だった。
  • 完治した感染者が14日間の隔離中に検査を受けたら陽性だった。
  • Two tests were negative, but a retest during house quarantine was positive. He was hospitalized and tested negative on 4/18 but positive on 4 / 20,21
  • Two people who were negative three times in a row were positive again when they were retested on April 21st
  • Someone was tested three times during the quarantine and was negative, so she moved to home quarantine and was positive again
  • A fully cured infected person tested positive during 14 days of quarantine


In Korea, 160 patients who have been discharged from the hospital have become repositive. There is a difference in accuracy of test kits used in each country, and a test kit with poor test accuracy is likely to be judged as negative even if positive, so there is a possibility that it is positive even if it is judged as complete cure.


About 14% of New York State antibody tests are positive, estimated 2.7 million people are infected


NY州の抗体検査で約14%が陽性 推定270万人が感染か

According to the Sankei Shimbun, about 14% were positive as a result of 3,000 antibody tests conducted in New York State to check for new coronavirus infections. It was announced that the number of infected people in the state was about 263,000 as of April 22, but it would be about 2.7 million, which is 10 times that of the announcement when calculated simply from the population of the entire state.


Since an antibody test is carried out to check the history of new coronavirus infections around the world, the estimated number of infected people in each country will be revealed. Since the number of infected persons announced is only the result of the test, the result will vary greatly depending on the number of tests and the accuracy of the test kid.

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