ベトナム入国に陰性証明書も不要になる(No need for negative certificate of Covid-19 to enter Vietnam)

ベトナムのコロナの感染状況5月16日 News


No need for negative certificate of Covid-19 to enter Vietnam

Access Denied


“The presence or absence of vaccination and the number of vaccinations are not stipulated as conditions for entry. Obtaining and bringing a negative certificate of Covid-19 before entry is no longer a condition for entry.”


According to the Embassy of Japan in Vietnam, from May 15th, not only the immunity passport but also negative certificate of Covid-19 is no longer required to enter Vietnam. It is also believed that the number of people infected with Covid-19 increased sharply in Vietnam after vaccine.



“According to the announcement on the 17th, 1,785 people infected with Covid-19 in the city were newly confirmed in 48 provinces and cities.”


In Vietnam, Covid-19 has a cold and the number of infected people is decreasing, probably because Vietnamese has stopped testing, but in Japan, Japanese is still making a fuss about Covid-19.


Do unvaccinated people need overseas travel insurance especially to enter Vietnam?


“Medical insurance $ 10,000 is recommended, not obligatory.”

海外旅行保険たびとも【公式】⇒ 保険料3日間870円~
海外旅行保険たびともは「3日間 870円~」とリーズナブルな保険料&保険料はPayPayで1タップ決済対応!緊急時は海外からいつでもLINE電話でお問い合わせOK!また出発当日でもお申し込み可能!治療費用「無制限」プランもご用意しています!
海外旅行傷害保険の付保証明書を発行してもらうには、どうすればよいですか? | 三井住友カード


Since it is not known how much the vaccination certificate is used in Vietnam, it is recommended that those who have not been vaccinated should take out overseas travel insurance and bring the insured certificate (in English). If we request overseas travel insurance with a credit card by phone, we can have the insurance certificate (in English) sent to us.

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