Introducing an interesting video (YouTube) about Vietnamese romance with lover. There is much in common about Thai and Filipino romance with lover. However, if there are individual differences, they also note in the video.
Does a Vietnamese lover need to be treated as a princess?
According to this video, Vietnamese romance is like treating a princess as a Japanese romance. It is quite difficult for a general Japanese man to carry out these actions all the time, and in Japan it may be laughed at by others.
Because Vietnamese women are said to work more often than Vietnamese men? Japanese who have grown up in Japan, a male society, always need to be careful because there is something in common with Thai and Filipino romance with her.
When I was asked by a Vietnamese lover
No way, if I didn’t open the lid of the plastic bottle, I was asked “I no longer love you?” And it’s such a normal to open the lid of a plastic bottle.
Since the lid of canned juice is hard, I often check if it can be opened and then open it, but I have opened the lid of a plastic bottle only when asked. There is also the fact that staff at overseas restaurants also dare not open the lid of the plastic bottle as proof that it is new.

Banged by vietnamese lover
Not only Vietnamese lover but also Filipino lover can hit, pinch or bite boyfriend as one of the expressions of affection. This is an expression of affection that Japanese women don’t have, so we are confused at first, but let’s understand and accept it as one of the expressions of affection.
What gifts will Vietnamese lover appreciate?
According to this video, the gifts seems to please the lipstick. According to Japanese women, lipsticks are not so pleased because they have their favorite color and scent. Are you really pleased with the lipstick gifts? Bouquets and gold necklaces are recommended.
また、ベトナム人女性だけでなくフィリピン人女性も結婚するまで体の関係は持たない女性が多いので、あのプレゼントは最悪なマナー違反だろう。変態がベトナム語で「bien thai」と日本語に近いことがおもしろい。
Also, not only Vietnamese lover but also Filipino lover do not have a physical relationship until they get married, so that gift is probably the worst manner violation. It’s interesting that the pervert is similar to Japanese in Vietnamese with “bien thai”.
つづく to be continued
