ベトナム航空が政府に救済要請(Vietnam Airlines asks government for bailout)

ANA-businessclass News


Vietnam Airlines asks government for bailout


ベトナム航空、政府に救済要請 キャッシュフロー枯渇の恐れ[経済]
 新型コロナ禍で甚大な打撃を受けているベトナム航空(Vietnam Airlines)は、政府に同社の現状を報告し...

According to Vietjo, due to the spread of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the Vietnamese government has restricted foreigners from entering the country, and Vietnam Airlines’ international flights are suspended, so cash flow without assistance from the Vietnamese government Will be exhausted.


ジェットパシ、パシフィック航空に改称へ ベトナム航空と予約連携も[経済]
 ベトナム航空(Vietnam Airlines)と豪カンタス航空(Qantas Airways)はこのほど、格安航空会社(LCC)ジェッ...

Vietnam Airlines will become even more difficult depending on how long the Vietnamese government restricts foreign tourists from entering the country. It will be even more serious as Vietnam Airlines is negotiating with Qantas about the free transfer of all Jetstar Pacific shares.


Is there any problem with the management of VetJet Air that caused a landing failure accident on June 14?



On June 14, VetJet Air crashed off the runway during landing at Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City. At the Tan Son Nhat International Airport, the runway was blocked, and all flights could no longer depart at the domestic terminal.


‘Veget Jet Airlines has had a series of accidents in the past, and its safety is a problem. As with Vietnam Airlines, not only are international flights out of service, but an accident has occurred, and I’m very worried about the business situation of VetJet Air.

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