ベトナム航空のパイロットの給料が半分未満に(Vietnam Airlines pilot pays less than half)

ANA-businessclass News


Vietnam Airlines pilot pays less than half


ベトナム航空、リストラ・賃下げ計画を発表 給与50%カット[経済]
 ベトナム航空(Vietnam Airlines)は、長引く新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の影響に伴う危機的状況に...

According to Vietjo, Vietnam Airlines has announced a restructuring and wage reduction plan in order to respond to the crisis situation due to the impact of’prolonged new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)’. ‘They can’t help it because pilot jobs are gone all over the world.


It is difficult for CAs and ground staff who are highly likely to be infected with the new coronavirus infection to have their salaries cut in half. Why is the salary of ground workers higher than CA by 14 million VND (about 65,000 yen)?


Number of infected people in Vietnam surged to 841,8/9


Sáng 10.8: 0 ca mắc COVID-19 mới, đã có 384 ca liên quan đến Đà Nẵng
Sáng sớm 10.8, Ban Chỉ đạo Quốc gia phòng chống dịch COVID-19 cung cấp thông tin về tình hình dịch bệnh COVID-19 . Đến thời điểm hiện tại, số lượng ca mắc mới ...

According to Laodong, there were 384 outbreaks in Da Nang hospital and a cumulative total of 841 in Vietnam. The actual number of people infected in Vietnam will be even higher, as some people will be infected to Japan.

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