日本のPCR検査よりベトナム製の検査キットの方が精度が良いのか?(Is the Vietnamese test kit more accurate than the Japanese PCR test?)

Vietnam-temple News


Is the new coronavirus test kit made in Vietnam better than the PCR test in Japan?

Vietjoによると、ベトナム人民軍の軍医学院と地場企業が製造した「LightPower iVA SARS-CoV-2 1st RT-rPCR」がWHO緊急時使用リスト(The WHO Emergency Use Listing=EUL)の基準を満たしていると認定した。

According to Vietjo, “Light Power iVA SARS-CoV-2 1st RT-rPCR” manufactured by Vietnam Armed Forces Medical Institute and Local Company meets the criteria of The WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) Certified.


 世界保健機関(WHO)は24日、ベトナム製の新型コロナウイルス検査キットに対し、WHO緊急時使用リスト(The WHO Emergency Use Listing=EUL)の基準...

This new coronavirus test kit using the PCR method (gene amplification method) takes 120 minutes to test (including sample collection), and although it takes more time than the product of the quick test, the accuracy reaches 100%.


新型コロナ、PCR検査拡大は慎重に 誤判定がもたらす危険性 | 公益社団法人 日本経済研究センター
公益社団法人 日本経済研究センター JCER概要、経済予測や研究レポート。出版物、学術誌や会報の案内。

According to the Japanese test, “the sensitivity of PCR test is up to 70%, and 30% of infected people are tested negative”, so this test kit made in Vietnam is more accurate. If so, why doesn’t Japan use this Vietnam made test kit?


Also, it seems that it takes 4 hours or 6 hours with commonly used test equipment in Japan, so this test kit made in Vietnam is as short as 2 hours.


日本感染症学会 4種類の抗体検査キットを性能評価「診断への活用は推奨できない」 | ニュース | ミクスOnline

On April 23, the Japanese Society of Infectious Diseases announced the results of examination of four types of kits used for antibody testing of new coronavirus, and expressed the idea that “it is not recommended for use in diagnosing infectious diseases”. It was There was also an article.


Is it unreasonable that the sensitivity of PCR test in Japan is up to 70%?


追記2020.3.28 感度(=真陽性数/(真陽性数+偽陰性数)) と 特異度(=真陰性数/(真陰性数+偽陽性…

According to “I read a paper from the source of hoax that the sensitivity and accuracy of PCR tests are 30-50% or 70%,” it is considered that the sensitivity of PCR tests in Japan is 90% or more.

PCRの特性を考慮したら、偽陰性は「検体採取が不適切」「保存中に壊れちゃた」「そもそも少なすぎた」で「PCRチューブ(プレートかもしれんけど)にウイルスRNAがたどり着かない」だろうし、偽陽性は「感染成立していないのにウイルスがそこにいた」とかそこらへんだろうねえ。— Tarabagani (@tarabagani) March 11, 2020


Not only is there a problem with the sensitivity and accuracy of the test, but there are also problems such as inadequate sample collection in the PCR test (testing skill). Not only in Japan but also in developing countries, the number of infected people will be greatly different due to the small number of tests, the problem of the accuracy of the test kit, the skill of the inspection staff, etc.

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