ベトナムから日本への入国者の感染者の情報公開(Disclosure of information on infected persons from Vietnam to Japan)

Vietnam-temple News


Disclosure of information on infected persons from Vietnam to Japan

Vietjoによると、’22日の便で成田国際空港に到着したベトナム人男性(20代、居住地:愛知県) が空港検疫により新型コロナの無症状病原体保有者と報告された。’


According to Vietjo, a Vietnamese man (20s, residence: Aichi prefecture) who arrived at Narita International Airport by the flight on 22 August was reported as an asymptomatic pathogen carrier of new corona by airport quarantine. ‘



It is a big problem in Japan that even Japanese or foreigners are not disclosed. It is also necessary to disclose information on whether or not they are Japanese and the city they stay in. It is also a big problem that 600 Vietnamese entered in July 2020.



If foreigners from the infected area continue to enter the country, the number of people infected with Japan’s new coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19) will not decrease forever. It is also annoying to residents of Tokyo, Narita, Osaka, and Nagoya that are operating international flights.


Number of infected people in Vietnam surged to 1,029,8/26


Sáng 26/8, không có ca mắc mới, 592 bệnh nhân COVID-19 đã khỏi bệnh
SKĐS - Bản tin 6h ngày 26/8 của Ban Chỉ đạo Quốc gia phòng chống dịch COVID-19 cho biết, không có ca mắc mới COVID-19 nào được ghi nhận, 592 bệnh nhân đã khỏi b...

According to Suckhoedoisong, the cumulative total number of cases of new coronavirus infection in Vietnam reached 1,029. The number of infected people is increasing, especially in Danang. Outbreaks at the Danang Hospital caused an outbreak of 547.


Bộ Y tế - Cổng thông tin của Bộ Y tế về đại dịch COVID-19

Japanese airport quarantine has confirmed that three Vietnamese are infected, demonstrating that there are other sources than the outbreak at Da Nang Hospital. The death toll in Vietnam is likely to rise from 27, as there are 15 severely ill.

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