ベトナムのドーソンビーチは混雑(Crowded Do Son Beach in Vietnam)

バスから見るベトナムのハノイの渋滞 News


Crowded Do Son Beach in Vietnam

Hot spell imminent in northern Vietnam - VnExpress International
Temperatures in northern Vietnam are forecast to rise from Thursday and reach 37 degrees Celsius this weekend, while southern parts of the country will hit 35-3...


VnExpress’s photo of Do Son Beach also shows how busy the beach is.


It’s always been crowded in the summer, but COVID-19 was over, it’s likely to get even more crowded this year, making it difficult to stay overnight at hotel.


Many accidents and traffic jams during consecutive holidays in Vietnam

Holiday traffic accidents kill 56 - VnExpress International
56 people died and 22 were left in critical condition due to traffic accidents in the past four days, according to the Ministry of Health.


According to VnExpress, “56 people died and 22 were left in critical condition due to traffic accidents in the past four days”


Two buses collided in Hanoi and Lao Cai, killing one person. There are many accidents and traffic jams during consecutive holidays in Vietnam, so it is better not to go to Vietnam. The same is true in Thailand and the Philippines.

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