8/8のベトナムの感染者が810人に(Number of infected people in Vietnam surged to 810,8/8)

Vietnam-temple News


Number of infected people in Vietnam surged to 810,8/8


Bản đồ dịch tễ COVID-19 tại Việt Nam tính đến 20h ngày 8.8
Tính đến 20h ngày 8.8, Việt Nam đã ghi nhận 810 ca, trong đó có 10 ca tử vong. Tình hình dịch  COVID-19  trên thế giới vẫn diễn biến phức tạp với 19.574.592 ca ...

According to Laodong, the cumulative number of new cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in August 8 increased to 810. The number of infected people is increasing in various parts of Vietnam due to the outbreak of Danang Hospital. Since the source of the infection is unknown, more people will be infected not only in Danang but also in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh.



Even those returning to or arriving from Japan from Vietnam or Thailand may have been infected with the new coronavirus infection, so it seems that Vietnam or Thailand has not been able to identify the infected person.


Fine if we don’t wear a mask even in Hanoi


ハノイ:公共の場でのマスク非着用に罰金 8月7日から[社会]

According to Vietjo,’Wearing no mask in public is a violation of the epidemic countermeasures, and fines of 100,000 to 300,000 VND (approx. 460 to 1400 yen)’ must be worn in Hanoi in Vietnam. A fine will be imposed.


Even in Japan, if we don’t wear a mask, don’t protect our social distance, hold an event and infect others, and we’re not fined, the number of infected people will continue to increase.

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