ベトナムでおすすめのホーチミン(Ho Chi Minh)
Ho Chi Minh is the largest city in Vietnam with a population of over 8 million. Daytime traffic and many motorbikes in Ho Chi Minh are terrible, but unlike Hanoi, it is convenient to be close to the city from the airport. The cityscape that has long prospered as the economic center of Vietnam and is known as the “Paris of the Orient” and remains under the influence of the French era is recommended for sightseeing.
ホーチミンにはデパートやショッピングモールが多くあり、物価が安いので、ベトナムのおみやげや自分の服の購入もおすすめだ。日中は渋滞がひどいので、空港からは安いバスで移動し、バス停から目的地まで配車アプリのGrabを利用することをおすすめする。ホーチミンではHotel Continental Saigonに宿泊したことがある。
Since there are many department stores and shopping malls in Ho Chi Minh City and prices are low, it is recommended to buy Vietnamese souvenirs and own clothes. Due to heavy traffic during the day, we recommend traveling by cheap bus from the airport and using the Grab app from the bus stop to your destination. I have stayed at Hotel Continental Saigon in Ho Chi Minh City.
Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, has become the political and cultural center of Vietnam. Less developed than Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam. Noi Bai International Airport is inconvenient because it is about 45 km north of Hanoi city. Hanoi is cold with a temperate summer rainy climate with an average minimum winter temperature of around 15 degrees Celsius. In winter, there are not many sunshine hours because cloudy days continue due to the influence of cold from the continent.
ベトナムで一番有名な観光地のハロン湾へはハノイから片道4時間前後かかるため1泊2日以上のツアーをおすすめする。ハノイではナイトクラブやカジノが有名なFortuna Hotel Hanoiに宿泊したことがある。
Vietnam’s most famous tourist spot, Halong Bay, takes around 4 hours each way from Hanoi, so we recommend a tour of 2 days or more per night. In Hanoi I have stayed at the famous Fortuna Hotel Hanoi, where nightclubs and casinos are famous.