ベトナムの入国にワクチン接種証明書が不要になる?(Without vaccination certificate to enter Vietnam?)

接種率が高い香港や韓国、シンガポール、ベトナムのコロナの感染状況3月9日 News


Without vaccination certificate to enter Vietnam?

 保健省は、海外からの入国者に適用する新型コロナウイルス感染防止策の最新草案を発表し、意見を募っている。  草案によると、入...


According to Vietjo, “The draft does not require immigrants to present vaccination certificate of Covid-19 or a certificate of cure from infection with Covid-19, which is more open to immigrants than the previous plan.”


Vaccination certificates of Covid-19 may not be required when foreigners enter Vietnam. It may be natural that the number of people infected with Covid-19 is increasing rapidly after vaccination is promoted not only in Vietnam but also in Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore Malaysia, and so on.


Vietnam is also considering discontinuing the disclosure of the number of people infected with Covid-19.

ベトナム保健省、新規感染者数の公表中止を提案(ベトナム) | ビジネス短信 ―ジェトロの海外ニュース


According to JETRO, “On March 5, the Ministry of Health of Vietnam told the New Coronavirus Infection Control Council to cancel the announcement on March 5, saying that the number of people infected with Covid-19, which is being announced every day, does not reflect the actual state of infection. Proposed. ”


In Vietnam, “we will take measures to treat Covid-19 in the same way as a general illness” and treat Covid-19 as a cold, so we will stop disclosing the number of people infected with Covid-19 and do not need a vaccination certificate at the time of entry. Is considering.

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